Chaoqun You

Associate researcher


Address: A4031, No.2 Interdisciplinary Building, Jiangwan Campus, Fudan University

Research interests: Network functions virtualization, Cloud computing, Edge computing and Integrated space-air-ground networks

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Chaoqun You is an assistant professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Fudan University. Before that, she was a research fellow at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), where she collaborated with Prof. Tony Q. S. Quek. She obtained her Ph.D. in Communication and Computer Science from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) under the guidance of Prof. Lemin Li. Prior to this, she completed her B.S. in Communication Engineering at UESTC. During her doctoral studies, she also spent two years as a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of Toronto. At the moment, her focus is on NTN RAN, network virtulization and distributed machine learning, and her research interests cover a wide area of investigating the system design and networking obstacles associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI)-native 5G and beyond (NextG) networks.

Dr. Chaoqun has published over 20 SCI papers, including 11 as the first author and 2 as the corresponding author, among which 7 are classified as JCR Q1 or CCF-A. Additionally, she was invited by internationally renowned scholars to co-author a book, which was published by Wiley. She served as the leader of the Singapore side in the 6G international collaborative project "Sustainable-Energy-Driven Low-Carbon Green 6G Networks and Technologies" and participated as atechnical backbone in two projects funded by the National Research Foundationor the Ministry of Education of Singapore. She delivered a tutorial keynote speech at the IEEE/CIC ICCC 2023. Other acadamic services include serving as workshop co-chair at IEEE SECON 2023, serving as TPC at IEEE ICCT 2023, serving as reviewers for IEEE JSAC, TWC, TCOMM, TMC, INFOCOM, IoTJ, etc.